All About Me Year-Wise

My name is Maayan Nagwani but everyone calls me Jack. The story behind doing so is at my first Ultrasound, I just wouldn’t stay still and hence the Radiologist referred to me as “Jumping Jack” as that name would stick!

I was born on Sunday, September 21st at 9.53 am at the Apollo Cradle Hospital in Koramangala, Bangalore. My birth weight was 2.74kgs (I have now tripled the weight and weigh 8kgs) and length was 48cms.

My mama Charmaine, wanted to name me Morocco but my papa, Dheeraj won and I was named Maayan. Maayan is a Hebrew name and means “water” or “spring”. But mama likes to say that I was named after the Mayan civilisation (She’s a huge fan of history)

I am also little brother to Laddie, who didn’t like me as much when I arrived (as he was the centre of attention for 10 years) but he’s slowly warming up to me and I love him heaps.